1. Design your travel itinerary

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Planify Web Manager is where you create and design your plans, while participants access it through Planify’s mobile app.

With Planify Web Manager, create all the plans you want, in a simple, time saving way. Set all the necessary details, and enrich each plan with pictures, maps, tips, contacts & more.

Visual design of a travel organizer designing travel itineraries on planify web manager, Group Travel Itinerary Solution
Visual design of a travel organizer sending the travel itinerary to participants, Planify, Group Travel Itinerary Solution

2. Send the program to your participants

To share the program with your participants, all you have to do is send them the link. In a click, the Planify Mobile App will automatically download and their beautiful program will appear.

If necessary, you also have the option to download and send the plan as a PDF version.

3. A global access, anywhere, at anytime


After clicking the link and downloading Planify, participants will see their plan appear. Since then, they will be able to access their program whenever they want. 

Either online or offline, the program is always accessible.

A last minute setback ? Edit the plan on the manager and the participants will instantly be notified.   

Visual Design of group travel participants checking their itinerary on their phone, Planify, Group Travel Itinerary Solution

Want a preview of the end result ?

Check the demo plans we created to give you an overview of what your plan could look like after it’s created!

If you’re not on your mobile phone, we will ask you a phone number to send you the link on your mobile. You need to have downloaded the application to open the demo plans (but don’t worry, the following link help you do all of this!).

Convinced ? Start your first plan, it's free !